Seventh Article: Analytic Response

The past seven weeks I firmly believe I have improved my own “online learner” skills. As I progressed with the weekly activities and wrote the previous six articles, I felt that my learning style became more intricate, and the amount of effort and energy increased. I found that I started in week one by accessing unit material and becoming self-motivated with the learning. Along the way, I found that interacting with my peers, learning from my tutor and classmates helped me to build upon my knowledge and form my opinions. 

The adoption of e-learning, especially in higher education in both blended and distance learning has been proven to benefit students. Web tools to support learners and personalise the different learning types have been able to address a big group of students’ needs’, as Jimoyiannis details in their book “Students Self-Regulated Learning Through Online Academic Writing in a Course Blog”. This type of shift in pedagogy that put an importance that put emphasis on interaction and learning within a community of learners who share the same interests and goals.

I thought that the compiling of these articles was a great assignment, and I hope to use it in my teaching repoirtie one day. 

Published by redandblackopi

Hey. I'm an 18 year old who run away from her family to Brisbane. I'm a blonde and makeup/writer enthusiast.

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